EPIC Network is a Protestant Christian fellowship based in Nagoya City. At EPIC gatherings, we worship God, study the Bible, and have fellowship. The main purpose of this network is to study the Bible and share the gospel in the local community through the empowerment of believers, the establishment of new churches, intimate fellowship, and creative missionary activities.

The EPIC Network values the Apostles’ Creed and agrees with the Lausanne Covenant. We are also part of the No Place Left movement, and the majority of our missionaries are sent from the Frikirken mission agency in Norway.

Our organization began as a voluntary association in 2015, and was reorganized as a current general incorporated association in 2020.

Representative Director: Knut Ola Topland
Director: Andreas Bagaas
Director: David Cervenka

EPIC Network’s Core Values

God is doing something of EPIC proportions

E          ­           Empowering believers

P          ­           Planting new churches

         ­           Intimate sharing

C          ­           Creative ministry

We value:

E   –   Empowering believers to fully use their spiritual gifts.

We commit to the discovery and development of the spiritual gifts which God gives to the believers in our groups. The 5-fold ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11, as well as the gifts listed in I Corinthians 12, Romans 12 and I Peter 4: 9-11 are important to build up the body of Christ in Japan. We want to empower lay people (both men and women) to lead the house churches. We want everyone to realize their full potential in Christ. (Romans 16:3-5,23, 1. Peter 2:5)

P   –   Planting simple, healthy churches which reproduce.

We believe God will use a multitude of house church networks to reach Japan for Christ. These house churches may meet in homes, coffee shops, or other locations that are available. We want to avoid expensive commitments to building sanctuaries. People`s souls take priority over maintenance of buildings. We aim for the house church multiplication like in the early church (Acts 16:15,40)

Simple church uses a style that is easy to reproduce. Healthy churches grow by branching out, releasing believers to start their own groups, as the believers receive guidance from the Holy Spirit and from network leaders. (Acts 13: 2-3)

I   –   Interaction with honest, intimate fellowship, both with God and with other believers

We believe in the importance of daily personal devotions and family devotions. We will share our joys and sorrows, and encourage each other to grow closer to Christ.  We can share Scriptures with each other. Accountability to each other and confession of sin lead to spiritual growth in the loving atmosphere of the “family of God”. (Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:12-14) Broken people are welcome to come as they are. This honest sharing will bring Christ’s healing to many souls as we pray in faith (James 5:16). Close fellowship among the leaders of local house groups will create networks of like-minded groups.

C   –   Creative flexibility in sharing and living the Gospel

The culture around us always changes, but the message of God’s grace in Christ does not change. So we need to be creative and flexible in our way of communicating the Gospel, in our worship styles, and in our way of training up the believers. For example, there is room for new spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:18-20), for all kinds of instruments (Psalm 150), and for various kinds of prayer ministry (Ephesians 6:18).

In evangelism by word and action, we will radiate the love of Christ into our communities.